"Doppelganger" is German for "double walker" - a shadow self that is thought to accompany every person. Traditionally, it is said that only the owner of the doppelganger can see this phantom self, and that it can be a harbinger of death. To see ones doppelganger is considered to be an omen of death. Occasionally, however, a doppelganger can be seen by a person's friends or family, resulting in quite a bit of confusion.

In instances of bilocation, a person can either spontaneously or willingly project his or her double, known as a "wraith," to a remote location. This double is indistinguishable from the real person and can interact with others just as the real person would.
Real Life Instances:
There are many known recordings of such events happening, all one needs to do is look it up in order to read the accounts. My favorite however comes from my favorite artist: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Amid all this pressure and confusion I could not forego seeing Frederica once more. Those were painful days, the memory of which has not remained with me. When I reached her my hand from my horse, the tears stood in her eyes; and I felt very uneasy. I now rode along the foot-path toward Drusenheim, and here one of the most singular forebodings took possession of me. I saw, not with the eyes of the body, but with those of the mind, my own figure coming toward me, on horseback, and on the same road, attired in a dress which I had never worn, — it was pike-gray, with somewhat of gold. As soon as I shook myself out of this dream, the figure had entirely disappeared. It is strange, however, that, eight years afterward, I found myself on the very road, to pay one more visit to Frederica, in the dress of which I had dreamed, and which I wore, not from choice, but by accident. However it may be with matters of this kind generally, this strange illusion in some measure calmed me at the moment of parting. The pain of quitting for ever noble Alsace, with all I had gained in it, was softened; and, having at last escaped the excitement of a farewell, I, on a peaceful and quiet journey, pretty well regained my self-possession.
Von Goethe saw himself riding toward himself on the road. He saw his doppelganger coming toward him as if to signal him that he would take the same rout sometime in the future.
This is just one of many accounts of Doppelganger sightings. I dare you right now, look it up and get informed. Who knows, perhaps you might learn something that intrigues you or more importantly learn about your own Doppelganger.
So who are these beings and entities? No one knows, I for one am convinced that perhaps such entities are astral projections of oneself by bending and manipulating the very sense of time and dimensions that govern this universe.
Whose to say that we won't be able to do this successfully in the future right? I mean we already have mastery of the 2nd dimension and the 3rd as well, whats so say that we won't be able to master the 4th or better yet the 11th. With the advent of high technological advances, the sky is the limit. For all we know, someones Doppelganger was manufactured in the future and sent back through time to visit and "replace" the certain person as a measure to prevent some future event to unfold. Many would consider this absurd and even a little bit nutty, but thats what ToastyToast does. I am a piece of burnt nutty toast.
I just hope that I'm not breaking from the norm too much, I would hate to see my blogs written by another imitation toast; and im pretty sure that many of you would not want that to happen.
So until next time
Next blog will cover the mysteries of the Hollow Earth Theory :)
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